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The Natural History of the Maltese Islands

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With hundreds of species described and over 500 images of local flora and fauna, Guido Bonett presents a simple introduction to newcomers in nature photography, highlighting the possibilities that exist on these islands for the aspiring nature photographer and also encourages others to start looking at our world in a different way, camera in hand.

over 500 photographs • close-ups of flora, insects, reptiles, birds, and other wildlife • photographic data for all images • tips on where and when to photograph flora & Fauna

“The Natural History of the Maltese Islands as seen through a photographer’s lens takes the cause of nature conservation in Malta forward in more than one way. In its portraits of Maltese nature, it documents just how rich and vibrant our natural heritage is, making it easy to appreciate it in all its uniqueness. In its didactic and skill-building mission, this book also lays the foundation for creating wider interest in nature photography and Maltese natural heritage amongst present and future generations, serving to demonstrate the distinctiveness of nature in Malta to a wider audience.”

Louis F. Cassar, Ph.D
Elisabeth Conrad, Ph.D

Institute of Earth Systems
University of Malta, Msida

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